Staff (2021-2022)

Justin Lu


As the president of the Flounder, it is only natural for Justin to flounder about in life, especially with respect to his sleep schedule.

Celeste Luo


Celeste is a president of the Flounder. She has a fear of expectations. She expected this bio to be done weeks ago.

Di Hu

Vice President

Many would describe Di as a casual cynic. Little do they know that he is, in fact, a competitive cynic.

Aidan Wang


Aidan joined the Flounder because he wanted to be a funnier person. Only later did he discover that people already laugh at him constantly.

Hassan Khan


Hassan joined so many writing clubs that it has turned into a problem. He claims he can stop at any time and that he has everything under control, but we don't really believe him.

Justin Zhu


Justin Z is not to be confused with Justin L or justice. Although, Justin is an embodiment of justice, going so far as to demand more free samples at Costco. WHY IS THE LIMIT ONLY 5 PER PERSON? LET ME HAVE MORE. Professionally, Justin writes about why he should be unbanned from Costco and works on the Flounder on the side.

Kevin Pham


Kevin Pham joined the Flounder to learn how to start telling the truth. This worked a bit too well and the only thing he does now is write rants about how world leaders are actually lizard people.

Patrick Lin


Patrick joined the Flounder to make people laugh. He would if his vocabulary didn’t consist of just “sus” and “amogus”.

Paul Lee


Artemis Chen


At the height of her powers, with the stroke of a pen, the Goddess, Artemis could will realities into existence. Now, she only writes for the most factual newspaper in the realm, the Flounder.

Alyn Huang


this is so sad alexa play despacito

Yujin Bae


Yujin is incredibly artistic, being a very good illustrator and also playing the flute. It is suspected that she may be behind the attempted formation of a Flounder Concert Band. It failed due to a lack of being publicly known.

Rose Moosavian


Rose is a wonderful illustrator for the flounder. When asked to talk a lot little about herself, she said "I can't remember...My life...I remember being very...Purple...I love...illustrations...and comics...Spread joy through my art and...A bird."

Lois Zan


As the third-strongest staff member, Lois was unwillingly subsumed into the Flounder like a single-celled organism engulfing the precursor to the mitochondria. Instead of providing life-giving energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, she gives us pretty pictures as an illustrator.

Fatma Jadoon


I know nothing about this person. Fatma does illustrations, I think. I’ve heard that she’s the third-strongest person on the Flounder, but I can’t personally attest. Rumor has it her horoscope told her to join.

Tracy Wang


Tracy, as her name suggests, is an incredible tracer, able to copy her own drawings! The Flounder never realized this when she applied and got her position as illustrator. Background checks are important.

Avery Mai


Not a layout professional. Signed up for the wrong job due to failing English since elementary school.

Alexandra Dang


Due to the many Alexs in Mackenzie, no one knows who is which. It's rumored that they're all actually just one person switching identities. Nevertheless, one of these identities is an excellent editor for the Flounder.

Eric Jin


After the incident in 1999, what is now Eric changed his name and swore his soul to the Flounder. In exchange for protection, he would eternally serve the almighty blowfish.

Adam Chen


Adam spends more time editing than writing. After his work is done, the poor writers often find their articles completely changed. Except for the last sentence, which Adam fears would make the article incomprehensible.

Avery Lee

Layout Designer

Professional carpooler, amateur artist. Forced to make comics for both the Lyon and the Flounder as a double agent.

Roseanna Liang

Layout Designer

One day, Roseanna showed up to the Flounder and started desiging layouts. We had no idea where she came from, but keep her around anyways. Roseanna can be frequently heard mumbling about that one thing in her past life and how she’ll eventually get it after she finishes deconstructing the laws of physics.

Erin Elridge

Layout Designer

Tiring of endlessly designing graphics for the Lyon, Erin decided to expand her skillset and step onto the Flounder, where she now designs graphics. Truly the third-strongest Flounder member. Just goes to show, you never know where you’ll end up in life!

Vicky Zhang

Layout Designer

Vicky is a layout designer for the Flounder. Some items on her bucket list include travelling to Antarctica, skydiving, and attending the Oscars as a seat filler. She's got quite the adventure laid out!

Peter Ye

Web Developer

Aside from developing the Flounder's website, Peter also enjoys inline skating. One day, he hopes to complete an entire inline skating marathon, but for now, he'll be floundering in development purgatory.

Leyang Zou

Web Developer

Hailing from the bottom of the attendance list, Leyang Zou is a passionate developer for the Flounder. As a self-proclaimed avid reader, he considers the Java documentation to be a tear-jerking modern literary masterpiece.

Diana Lin

Social Media

Without our social media person Diana single-handedly alerting you to our existence incessantly and futilely, you may not have ever heard of us. We’re sorry for not letting that happen; that’s our bad. While the third-strongest member of the Flounder team, she’s the first-strongest typist.